At ISOTUBI we are implementing vending machines for PPE (personal protecting equipment) in our three work centers, through our Epivending collaborators.
We have opted for the digitization of this process through automation. Through the dispensing machines installed in our centers, we now efficiently manage the supply of all the needs of the workforce. With the help of personalized intelligent software, we synchronize actions and movements, and automatically control the stock of PPE and consumables, all references are replenished online. Acquiring security, tranquility and innovation in this important aspect of the company.
As far as sustainability is concerned, we have considerably reduced, on the one hand, the emissions that we emitted, by previously having all PPE references with different suppliers: different products, orders, packages, invoices and transport, having been centralized, we have unified the management. In this way, with in a single shipment we receive all the necessary products, thus avoiding duplication in products, transport and emissions.
On the other hand, by digitizing everything and having improved the control, reporting and justification of PPE deliveries to employees, we have considerably reduced the stock, as well as waste.
And in terms of safety, we have improved those references that after an audit exercise we have detected that the change was positive to guarantee maximum safety to our employees, such as gloves in various critical positions such as cutting and welding. Taking advantage of the safety study, we have made an improvement to benefit the health of our team by changing the material of the electrodes of the machines from Thorium to Cerium.
At Isotubi we continue with our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations, and every step counts to move towards a better world.